2. The mucous already sucks.
3. Tom Sorenson, the Charlotte Observer sports columnist has the exact same cancer as me. He finished radiation 2 weeks ago and wrote a column about it on July 18th. Check it out online if you don't get the paper. I have been emailing back and forth with him. He is cool.
4. I also have a new cancer club friend, John, who finished his radiation in April. He is great to talk to about what comes next.
5. What comes next sucks.
6. I am still not taking pain meds and my gut is working better. Yes!
7. It is true that I have not lost my hair from the chemo.
8. I have lost my hair from the radiation. It is falling out in big handfulls at the very back of my head--this is where the radiation leaves my body. Luckily, the longer hair from the top of my head covers those areas!
9. I had a swallowing consult with a speech pathologist last week. Cool, but weird. They stuck a tiny camera down my nose (Yes, they really did. I am so tired of having people up in my grill) and watched me swallow several things--applesauce, crackers, peaches and an M&M swallowed like a pill. So far I still do OK and it will give them an idea of how to help me if later I don't do OK.
10. It hurts to swallow.
11. A lot.
12. Being on the table for radiation is turning out to be one of the most relaxing parts of my day.
13. I am not kidding.
14. I still love getting your cards, emails and voice mails. I love that people love me.
15. I especially love that Jason loves me.
16. It is possible that he is the perfect husband.
17. My Simonini family rocks!!! (Libby, thank you SOOO much for your text, it meant a lot!) Alan always calls. I still talk to Holly almost daily. Terri S. thanks for checking in. Joanne, I loved the card. John T thank you for making me laugh by visiting (when you're well) and on the phone when you're not--does Jen know about the pineapple? Lynn and Christy thanks for the messages on email and the blog!
18. I don't think the chemo has affected my hearing but I will do a test this week.
19. I really do pour coffee down my feeding tube. I need the caffeine.
20. It is not that I can't taste anything, it is that everything tastes awful. Sometimes even water.
21. It really sucks when everything tastes awful.
22. We had a great visit with Matt, Keri and the twins.
23. I am a terrible Facebook user. Just email me at tjoakes@bellsouth.net.
24. I will type again soon.
25. Thanks for checking in!
Tammy, I'm one of those who hangs on every funny and touching word you write, and I'm so glad you're up to blogging again. I want to know more about the feeding tube - seems like if I had one too, I could just pour drinks and things in and keep on going and maybe I pick up an extra hour a week and I could cook you a dinner you can't taste (great chance for me to tell you what a great cook I am and you'll never challenge me?)anyway, it sounding very intriguing and hi tech -whadaya think? Half way through is so great because the second half when you're getting closer to goal is going to be so manageable, mucus or not. Spit a little, write a little, pour milk shakes down your tube - it's sounding like a real party! I miss you and think about you every day, and I can't wait until you're back with us with all your ideas and your energy. Love you more than ever...Lynn