Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Having Cancer is a lot like Getting Married . . .

Yes, I know it's a weird analogy, but it's true. You tell the same people. You worry about leaving someone out. The people who love you, LOVE YOU, not just at the cool occassions like a wedding but at the ones that really suck like Cancer where there isn't even free food and open bar. It's the same group and there is something awesome about that. My sorrority sisters have all checked in (Jill, I love that picture!) and so too my high school friends, an ex-boyfriend or two, and of course all my amazing family and those friends who really are your family (you know the people you talk to every day/week who share your life whether they are related to you or not). It's remarkable really and an amazing gift to realize just how many people hold you close to their hearts. I hope none of you ever find it out this way, but I hope you get to know it. It rocks!

Of course, with cancer, the list expands, near strangers send you well wishes and put you on prayer lists and drop off food at your house! Amazing . . .and so very much appreciated but also a little bit overwhelming . . .to the point of being a little bit funny too. . . .fair warning, I am going to offend someone with this next comment but what the heck, I have cancer I can get away with stuff I couldn't before! Here is my basic premise about visiting people who are sick. DON'T. I mean it. Unless . . . .you visited them when they were well. If I have never been invited to your home and you have never been invited to mine when we were both showered, well-dressed and well-rested then why would I want to entertain you in a hospital gown with 3 days of stubble on my legs and no sleep? I don't. Really. There are a few exceptions of course, people you work with daily, your minister . . . .but not many. For the record, I've been practicing this rule for years and I think it's solid.

A few other comments about the blog, email, flowers, and the phone. It is fine to call me. If I don't feel like talking, I won't answer. If you leave a message that says call me when you get the chance, then just know that you are in the cue and I will return calls based on availability and who I like best. Make your own assumptions. Please don't call after 8. I love emails, but I get a lot and I can't answer them all (or even read them all) right now in a timely manner. Same return rules as the phone apply. My phone can receive texts but it can't send them. (Phil?) The flowers are lovely and my room runneth over. That brings me to the blog. When I get home I will figure out how to add pictures to it and make it more interesting. It is more interesting for me, if you comment on it, but I understand that that has been a problem for some people. I think you have to register for a google account to be able to comment. I think it's free and easy but I could be wrong about that. Also regarding the blog, it is likely that at some point you will run across something here that completely offends you. Sorry. What you won't run across much here are personal bits about how Jason, Charlie and I are handling this disease . . .too much sharing, even for me, (and yes, I know that that is saying a lot.)

That about wraps it up for today. I will meet tomorrow with the medical and radiation oncologists to formulate a plan for the worst summer of my life. It appears that June will be surgical recovery, July will be the first month of radiation/chemo and August, Sept and October will suck. After that I will be back to my old charming self assuming this little liver thing turns out to be nothing. . . .


  1. This is why we all love you...straight and to the point!! You rock....sending happy thoughts for your day tomorrow!!

  2. Hang in there Tammy - we love and miss you. Your blog is the bomb - funny, irreverant - you! I see a best seller and want to be your agent - movie rights and all!

  3. I can't remember if it was you and I, or maybe Suzy and I, but I have had this exact conversation very recently with someone. It's how we felt when Megan was in the hospital. Who have we not told, who needs to know...and it felt like after the wedding, who did we not invite. Well, no one invited cancer, but we will deal with it like we dealt with the guy who did show at our wedding and took the disposable camera in the bathroom and took pictures of his privates. What do you do but deal, and girl, you are dealing! Love you!

  4. you make me feel sain and i cant ever thank you enough! hugs, kisses and laughter forever between us loons, right?!?! you have no idea how large "they" have gotten since we last spoke!!
    I will call you tomorrow and if you answer we will talk!
    Love you, mean it! Holly

  5. Not only do I want to check in on you, but I actually look forward to reading what funny thing you posted. BUT I want you to know you don't have to be funny - I'll come on here to check on you anyaway. Praying for an awesome recovery. I totally agree on the visitors by the way. Saw Charlie with Eric today, he seems to be doing well.

  6. Hi Dear Tammy, I have been checking in here to find out what is going on, and of course thinking about you and wishing you well. Thank you for the updates. I see we share the same attitude about leg stubble! I am sure you are so totally the Diva of the cancer ward...(wink).
    Love you, as always, OXOX
    Miss Joyful, plus the rest of the Parisi clan

  7. Hey girlfriend. Word on the street is you sound GREAT and will be home soon! So glad to hear it!! You know you can text me and I will deliver the goods. No talking required. If you were smart you would exit out the back and trip up the paparazzi ;)

  8. So you mean we can't stop by to check out the color of your bathroom counters or light fixtures????? Totally kidding:) Glad to hear you haven't lost your sense of humor.. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.. You will beat this! Stay positive and know you have an army of people praying and here to offer support thru this process!!!

    Bennett and Brooks wanted to say "we love you Aunt Tammy.. !"..

    Get some rest and take care of yourself!!


  9. You are amazing Tammy. As I have always enjoyed your is a blessing for those concerned about you to continue to enjoy that as it eases our pain. So I thank you. AND...I am so glad I have seen you at your best, because I also wanted to thank you for allowing me to gawk at your ports and look down your throat with the flashlight as you know I just LOVE that sort of stuff! Very cool. That being said, remember that I also know how to reduce redness of any scars that shall remain unless you want to keep them for storytelling. ;)

    On a serious note...continuing to pray for your recovery.

  10. Tammy, I just heard - Pat emailed me. I am so sorry! I know that this is very difficult for you and your family. However if anyone can make lemonade from lemons you can!!! You are one of the strongest women I know and your zest for life will not go unrewarded here - I am certain.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers daily, please let me know what else I can do - can I come and help with anything??? (And I say that knowing and hoping that you will take me up on it!)
    Love you,
    Susan Carter
