Friday, June 5, 2009

Another day . . .another scan . . .

Quick post today. Just wanted you to know that I had the MRI this morning and that the results were sent over to Dr Frenette's office and . . . he, of course . . . . .is off on Fridays! Naturally. So, I pitched a little fit with the nurse and had her fax ME the report. (She was not all that happy to do so) anyway, based on my expert medical opinion. . . .the scan looks good and still doesn't show any indication of metastatic disease! Yippee! Of course, they listed the results once again as inconclusive and recommended . . . you guessed it . . .another scan. At $4000 a pop, I have to believe that sooner or later my insurance company will put an end to it. We'll see.

I also did the dental consult today-- a much longer blog will be required for me to cover that one. The "expert" dental resident is of the opinion that I should have my one remaining wisdom tooth pulled . .. the one that has never descended, is completely encased in gum tissue and has never, and likely will never, given me one bit of trouble. Let's just say that they will have to offer up a much larger number than her stated 1% risk of increased infection IF I have to have it out at any time in the first decade after radiation for me to go along with this one. They have almost completely convinced me that the feeding tube is a good idea, they may yet convince me that left side radiation is a good precaution in addition to the right side, but I am drawing the proverbial line in the sand regarding this tooth.

I promise to write something clever over the weekend but just the facts for today. Have a great weekend!

*** Grammatical footnote: Percocet is spelled with a C not an S (I may or may not edit my earlier posts to reflect this but it's important to me that you know, that I know, that it is incorrect.) One of my biggest pet peeves is incorrect grammar and spelling on the web--people are just so lazy--I know there are some other areas of concern in my earlier posts but they are mostly TYPING errors and not because I don't either know better, or have the sense to use spell check. When I am bedridden and have nothing better to do I will go back and make them all grammatically perfect!


  1. GREAT news about the MRI!!!! I'm so glad you insisted on getting that report. How torturous it would have been to have to wait through the weekend. Just wanted to let you know the Schwarzeneggers are thinking of you!

  2. Ok, you give your little rant with the nurse too little credit. You were damn impressive on the phone with her--getting exactly what you wanted in under 5 minutes with a have a good weekend at the end! I continue to be impressed with how you are handling all the stuff coming your way :)

  3. Tammy, glad to hear your initial medical review of the MRI. It is amazing how much difference it makes when you take control of your treatment. We are thinking and praying for you!

  4. Clearly, cancer is no match for you, Miss Tammy! Also, you get a pass on the spelling etc. while on painkillers. Love you lots! OXOXOX Your Fan, Miss Joyful

  5. You are your own best medical advocate - glad to read that you're (not your) taking charge, tiger. Keep asking doctor/nurses all kinds of questions to undertand everything and try to find that head/neck cancer support blog. Its (not it's) discussion topics keep you 1 step ahead of the game. Maintaining a medical spreadsheet on Excel also helps 3 months down the road when it's time to pay all those pesky little (HA!) bills. Ask for discounts when paying your deductibles in full; most will take 10-20% off with very little effort. That's all the helpful hints I've got. I saw Charlie at school and gave him one of our birthday cupcakes. He was like, "Whut??? Okeeee ... thanks, lady!" :) Our continued prayers for good liver confirmation and surgerical recovery.

  6. Hi Tammy,

    I talked to Erin so subscribed to your blog. I think I've caught up on everything. I'm so glad to see your kick-ass attitude! I don't know if I'd have the gumption if it were me.

    Wanted you to know that Nathan would be SO happy to have Charlie over for a play date sometime. He talks about Charlie all the time. I'm living over off Torrence Chapel now, so I'm really close and would love to get Charlie sometime.

    Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I mean it!
